Bloom 'n Learn offers private tutoring in downtown Batavia

Play-Based Learning for People of All Ages

Bloom 'n Learn Tutoring and Homeschool Classes with Karen Jensen Smeets

Karen Jensen Smeets is a life-long educator.

Now retired from a career teaching in public schools, Ms. Jensen Smeets launched Bloom ‘n Learn to offer private tutoring for people of all ages and abilities. Out-of-the-home tutoring allows students to concentrate without distraction.

In addition to tutoring, Ms. Jensen Smeets also offers play-based enrichment classes and day camps.

Bloom ‘n Learn at Abbey Farms

Bloom ‘n Learn will teach camps each Friday at Abbey Farms in Aurora this summer! Camps are open to children ages 5-10. The morning will be a gardening club, and each Friday afternoon will feature a different topic. 

Bloom n Learn Summer Camp at Abbey Farms

Upcoming Classes & Summer Camps